Friday, January 9, 2009


There are many houses located in urban areas with few glass windows. Their windows were tightly closed most of the time to avoid dust to enter inside the house. A heavy curtains were placed to every window to shield it from sunlight. The ventilation was limited inside. They relied to the use of air conditioner. The outside main door were being screened shield. Penetration of fresh air was controlled by the shield.

Although they have houseplants to neutralize the bad odor by enriching the air with oxygen and to absorb carbon dioxide, but it is not enough. How safe is the air we breath inside our house in a tightly sealed condition? Not safe enough because of the presence of toxic pollutants caused by poor ventilation. Smoking is the most dangerous pollutants. Among others are chemical fumes from carpet, upholstery even the cleaning products has toxic pollutants also. In addition were gas ranges, dust, molds, pesticides residue for mosquitoes and other crawling and flying insects that entered inside from half-opened windows and main door. There are some solution to this problem:

-To open up the windows so that fresh air can enter to the house once a day to let stale air and toxic fumes out of the house. It increases the oxygen and decrease the accumulated carbon dioxide when window were opened. Sleep with an open but grilled windows.

-Stop smoking inside the house. If you do, go out from the house and find a place where you can do your smoking hour.

-If you have some empty oil can or kerosene or kerosene containers, placed it away from the house.

-Burning stoves and appliances should be placed near the grilled windows so that any pollutant residue left can go out in the house.

-Schedule cleaning of your air conditioner to remove particles trapped inside it. Clean the filter and air ducts that is very important for long life of the unit.

-Use air freshener to keep inside of the house fresh with sweet-smelling scent.

-It is highly recommended to install exhaust fan. This will be the ready outlet for any stale air and other pollutants.

-Put houseplants in the receiving room, kitchen, individual rooms to absorb carbon dioxide.

-During rainy season, control the use of air conditioner so that any humid air from outside on a smoggy days can not penetrate easily that will result to the presence of molds in wet areas.

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