Wednesday, January 14, 2009


You probably agree with me that the chances of living a life with no major health problem are somewhat slim. Every year, many persons went to the hospital, some recovered, others died. Most of their sickness are man-made because they disregarded the physical law of being healthy.

Statistics shows that the mortality rate from modern degenerative disease were increasing every year. But it does not end there. Sign of physical degeneration has been found in the group of 20's. Old age is far from being the only prerequisite for degenerative disease because it will strike to those careless people of putting their health at risk.

Once we reach middle age, our life expectancy will be shorten. Lifestyle, exercise and dietary habits were the key parameters in the health equation. The person's health depend on how he lives and the way he eat. It has to do with his state of health.

Whether we like it or not, there are roles to be played and followed if we want to have human vigor, resistance to disease and longevity. If this rules is violated, nature will take its revenge in the form of disease. But when it is obeyed, man's life can be full and remarkably free from physical impairment.

The dietary habits of many of us are one of the supreme ironies of modern history. Our processed food is laden with dyes, preservatives, thickeners, etc. We consumed too much sugar. Sugar was the prime additive in vending machine, hamburger stands, ice cream parlors and many others. We cannot live without sugar in our everyday need.

The obvious way to avoid such nutritional pitfalls is to avoid over consumption of processed refined foods if possible. Proper cooking method can help. Balance is another important factors in food intake. Over-reliance of one basic food type can lead to future health problems. Unusual diet and over-use of food supplement should also be avoided. Vitamin C supplement may be helpful, but if taken mega-dose will lead to various digestive complication if wrongly administered.

Obviously, every individual has to seek out his own optimum level of food intake. One key in any diet plan is to avoid a radical departure from your present eating habits. Before making any changes, be sure to have a thorough knowledge of your problem and sought advices from nutritional and medical expert as necessary.

In a develop nation, muscle power was replaced by machine power. We measure the quality of life on how easy our work is, how abundant our time and how many labor saving gadget we have at our disposal. Our muscle weakens for lack of use. Bodies bulge with fat because of excess calories.

Health and longevity don't depend exclusively on rippling muscles and slender contours. Physical fitness is determined by the condition of the heart, the size and elasticity of the arteries that feed blood to the heart, and the elasticity of the lungs. No part of the body can survive without the services of the heart and bloodstream.

Review your health condition. If you find that you are not on the list of physically active, then change it and make necessary correction.

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