Friday, March 4, 2016


Women have its ups and downs. It signifies the ending of her most fruitful moment of his life to have children she wanted to care. It was the cherish wish of every woman to have a happy family. The child was the center stage of their married life. This happiness is only momentary. Menopause is the mark that her child-bearing years has ended and permanently stopped. It was time of challenge, boredom, loneliness and period of uncertainty.

In the menopausal stage, it ceased the menstrual cycle every woman is expecting every month as normal body process in biological form she can’t avoid. The woman’s ovaries no longer produce hormones as required to bear a child. It started to slow down as she reaches the age of 40 and completely stopped at the age of 50 or over. There are some of them ended much earlier.

During her child bearing years, there was continues production of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in the ovary. It fluctuates every month especially if there is cyclical development of new eggs.  It continues to slowly decline until the ovary no longer produce any as a sign of entering into menopausal stage. Her menstrual period was now irregular or even complete stopped. 

After menopause, a woman can still produce estrogen in small amount through her adrenal gland. A woman has no idea when her monthly period will stop no until she felt great changes in her biological processes when she no longer bear a child.

One a woman entered her menopausal stage, there is natural biological experiences she felt of having hot flashes, occasional bleeding and spotting. Hot flashes give her uncomfortable feeling of intense heat in the duration of two minutes or more. There was intense heat in her upper chest, arms, head and neck anytime of the day and repeated one or more during the day and night.

There was redness of the skin and profuse sweating. It continues year after year and even lasted 5 years. There was thinning and weakening of bones. The bones easily fracture. The brittle bones are common to older women especially in the hip or wrists. The spinal vertebra was weakened. Any slight stress to the bones will result to compression fractures deadly to older women. There is low back pain and loss in height being observed.

She has bowed posture sue to loss of flexibility and elasticity of the muscles around the damaged bones. She felt painful headache similar to migraine. There is pain in her back, neck and in the chest portion. She has bouts of sleeplessness (insomnia), irritable, mood swing, anxiety, depression, nausea, constipation, sadness and confusion.

She was irritable even in slight displeasure. She was keen on wrong impression and easily get angry to unfavorable remarks. Her response was the result of her belief of rejection from other people due to her body changes not easy to comprehend. 

Her internal passage shortens. It becomes narrower and no longer elastic. Its lining has cellular changes. It loses its thickness, it becomes thinner as the days passes by. He is susceptible to bacterial infection. Her internal passage losses its normal acidity and the natural secretion completely stopped.

A woman in her 50’s started to feel lonely. She can’t easily adjust to new environment she has to fit in. To remain young, vibrant, active and wrinkle-free was already history. Her face and skin has wrinkles as sign of getting older. Old age makes her susceptible to many kinds of diseases because of lack of hormonal balance (estrogen).

Heart disease, cancer of the colon, Alzheimer’s disease and degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system were among the few. There was drastic change in her mental capacity. She often had memory loss, her reasoning power, ability to maintain better self-care and personal hygiene was deteriorating.

 She loses her ability to be active and participate in social gathering. She just sat there alone as if no flicker of life left in her. Her children were no longer with her. There was incompleteness in her life.

To minimize the impact of menopause especially during the time when there are hot flashes, some tips may help to handle the inconveniences:

-Drink plenty of water to quench the thirst when the normal temperature of the body increases slightly.

-Minimize taking alcohol, coffee and tea. It alters the normal conditioning of the body.

-A little exercise each day helps the bones to maintain strength from its deteriorating bone structure after menopause.

-Stay at cool environment. Make the house as cool as possible with enough windows for the air to pass through inside to keep you from perspiring.

-Don’t wear tight dress instead a light and loosen dress is helpful to cool you down.

-Control your mood swing or irritability. It increases your temperature level and felt hot.

-Use water-based gel or other over-the-counter preparations intended to give relief from dryness in the internal passage.

-Talk to your doctor for possible use of estrogen. He will evaluate your condition. If found that it will not contradict to your present state of health, it will be a great help to give relief of being uncomfortable.


Leukemia is about defective blood composition. Quite large numbers of people were affected by the so-called blood disease. Even children and young adults are also prone to get the disease. It is a dangerous kind of disease and most of them did not survive.

Blood is made up of red blood cells. Its responsibility is to carry oxygen for distribution to every segments of the body especially the body organs to be able to function will. The role of white blood cells is to fight all types of infection it may be viral or bacterial.

 The function of the platelet is to avoid the formation of blood clots. They are suspended in a fluid known as plasma. Bone marrow manufactured blood cells. It is a spongy tissue in the center of the bones. The production of blood cells is made in an orderly fashion and in controlled way.

Leukemia occurred when the body is producing larger number of abnormal white blood cells. They are immature and not fully develop. It functioned abnormally kept on living instead of dying off as the cells are normally designed to do.

When abnormal blood cells started to build up and accumulates in high proportion, it interfere the production of normal cells in the bone marrow.

Leukemia was found to have genetic mutation origin in one or more bone marrow cells. This mutation was not developed during the birth of the child. There should be a balance of its normal requirements. If there are few red blood cells produced, it can cause anemia. 

The person has pale face and devoid of energy easily got tired. If the production of white blood cells is low, the body can’t fight off infections from the many foreign materials that entered into the body system. Bleeding will appear if there is lack of normal platelets to control blood clotting.

Leukemia are of many types with different behavioral characteristics. Lymphatic leukemia is if lymphocytes are affected.  If the myeloid cells are damage it causes myelogenous leukemia.

The degree of infection will determine the condition of the victim. If leukemia cells rapidly and abnormally multiply, the condition will develop in matter of weeks or few months. It was now called acute leukemia.

The abnormal replication of blood cells as it slowly accumulates in larger proportion slowly becomes chronic leukemia. The degree of development is gradual and not yet a life-threatening position. But if it left uncheck and untreated it will become an acute kind of leukemia.

Getting leukemia has its signs and symptoms. There is persistent weakness and chronic fatigue. While under physical activity, it causes shortness of breath or hard labor breathing. The lymph nodes in different parts of the body or selected location started to swell. There is enlargement of the spleen or liver. The skin can easily bruise even in slight pressure. Any minor cuts will result to prolonged bleeding or the cuts slowly heal.

Nosebleeds are common. There is swelling of gum or bleeding due to chronic infection. It has frequent infection to affected area in the body. There is tremendous weight reduction. An excessive sweating was visible. If it get serious, there is fever to occur.

Sometimes the victim of leukemia failed to notice his disease due the absence of concrete signs and symptoms. Chronic leukemia has no symptom felt even it already slowly started developing. It went unnoticed even for many years had passed. The time it was known, it was already on advanced stage. Even if there is accompanying fever, it was believed to be ordinary flu but it was not.

To validate suspicion, blood test or bone marrow test is taken. It is to determine what’s happening inside the body. Generally, leukemia can’t be prevented to form. Any age groups can have this deadly disease especially adults over the age of 60 years.

 Its genetic mutation increases to dangerous level if the victim is exposed to environmental hazards like exposure to high radiation, smoking habits, exposure to benzene in unleaded gasoline.

Leukemia can genetically be inherited. The genetic disorder increases risk of Down syndrome. It is also high those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy due to cancer development.

There is complex procedure in treating leukemia. The doctor has to observe his general condition, his age to handle long term treatment and the kind of symptom he felt. Even if leukemia is considered treated, there is threat of remission and the complete healing is affected. Remission can be expected at any given time if the function of bone marrow will not return to normal. Its treatment is a lengthy process without any hope of complete cure.

Although there are many effective medical procedures to treat leukemia but it is costly and good only to those that can afford.


Why some of us are fat and some are not? What causes it? Why our belly was easily expand gaining weight to restrict easy movement? The change in the condition of our body has something to do with metabolism that governed the kind of shape we have and the existing health condition we are experiencing. Sugar is carbohydrates. All foods that are rich in carbohydrates or protein is converted into energy.

Speeding up the metabolic process depends on the kind of food we take. Low fat food is less harmful compared to foods that were heavy laden with saturated fat. But they both give changes to a shape that we want to avoid but hesitant to make alteration in our own dietary plan.

Many of us are trying to regain control what has been lost in the normal condition of the body. They initiated certain kind of physical exercise for the purpose of losing weight but the effort becomes a failure.

The body insisted on speeding up the metabolism maybe because of other factors that involve that cause the slowing down of its responses.

Metabolism is one kind of process that allows the body to convert food into energy. The body needs large amount of energy level for the various body organs to be able to carry-out its essential and individual function. Any failure in metabolic process will result to disease. The internal processing system temporary stopped reacting. The life-circulating blood as the basic building block for life was affected.

Metabolism is responsible in the conversion of oxygen into carbon dioxide. It is responsible in removing any harmful and potentially lethal waste out of the body through the kidneys. It protects the basic building block the life circulation blood from impurities that may affect its life-giving performance.

Metabolic process is one aspect of body function. There are many interaction happened inside the body, series of chemical conversion taking place every day or at all times through metabolic functioning.

Metabolism is a continuing process that involves 2 opposing faction. The anabolism create cell by using certain amount of energy while catabolism create energy by breaking down cells. So metabolism allows the body to create or breakdown cells depending on the urgency of its use.

Anabolism principal function is to create tissues and cells to replace that are considered dead cells or dysfunctional (inactive) cells. The purpose of creating new skin cells is to clot the blood. The function enables the cut skin to heal slowly and easily. But catabolism functioned in different directions. The activity of the body is to breakdown the cell is to create energy to be able to carry out its normal function.

It is a fact to know that the body needed enough oxygen. If there is additional energy, it caused the breathing to increase considerably. The body taking in oxygen and getting rid out of the body the carbon dioxide. This was the normal process for the normal body functioning.

To measure energy we used a unit of measure called calories. The body has no ability to differentiate was in good or bad energy. It doesn’t care to know the source of the energy. The incapacity of the body to determine what energy is healthy or not healthy is the reason of laxity of control of gaining weight. The body always accepted whatever kinds of foods taken to the mouth. As the body received a calorie from the food eaten, he converted the energy to something he chooses.

 He may use the energy (calories) to create new cells and tissues or he will that energy (calories) to breakdown the cells. The body can utilize energy it can afford to handle and used in any given time. If there were excess calories from the food taken, the body is forced to use that energy to create cells. With the process of anabolism, the extra amount of calories will become additional weight. It further increases weight gain to higher level. Too many calories in the body brought higher energy level. The body was forced to convert the excess calories to become fat.

Getting rid of weight gain can only be done through physical activity. Burning calories is the only solution to be able to reduce weight. Exercise can cause energy output, thereby reducing fat quantity in the body. Developing a strong muscle tone can burn calories more as it boost metabolism to handle excess calories and burned it down before it can establish to become fat. 

It is important that there is a continues building of muscle and maintaining it at all times so that only extra calories in the body can be handled properly to bring goodness instead bringing harm to the already fragile situation of the body form.


Our body was full of toxic materials from the food we eat, from the polluted environment that surround us affecting land, water and air. We knew the many threats to our health but we can minimize the impact if we are willing to change our lifestyle, the main cause of our diseases.

One way of getting rid of toxins is through the process of detoxification. It has many benefits because through these, it can remove lead and mercury, the heavy metals we knew. It cleanses our liver, kidneys and other important body organs. The brain is protected from harm from the heavy metals that will affect mental development and performance.

 It replenishes the friendly bacteria with useful probiotic bacteria. It helps the immune system to act strong, recharging its function with its powerful anti-oxidant properties to be able to have strong defenses against foreign invaders. It changes our emotional state, cleanse and replenish the mind from many bothering circumstances that brought stresses in life. It is relaxing, recouping and re-training the mind. It reduces the impact of worries and many troubles that makes us weak and defenseless. It cleanses us spiritually, physically and emotionally.

The detoxification process is a specific action that leads to the rejuvenation of the body. It cleanses the colon from many impurities. It gives way to the prevention of disease. It boosts energy and keeps the immune system strong in defense of the many toxic materials we acquired every day. It gives good and healthier skin and restores its natural glow. Healthy skin is healthy life and sign of inner health. An unhealthy life because of toxins will cause the skin to dry, brittle, wrinkles, pale and age fast.

Detoxification helps the mind free to think of negative feelings as it minimizes the fears of many uncertainties in the future. It gives us stress, worries and anxieties that sometimes put us in difficult situation how to handle them. It clogged the system and makes the body not to function normally.

We get the toxins from the food we consumed. It enters in the pores of the skin, in the lungs from the air we breathe. Any chemical that enters the body is considered toxins. The air we breathe was polluted. We inhaled dangerous smokes in the environment from transportation vehicles emitting petroleum fumes. Many consumer products have chemicals in it that affected us. We failed to notice its long-term effects to the wellness of the body.

The un-detox body system brings diseases, aging, skin rashes, nausea and indigestion. It gives behavioral change that causes depression and emotional disturbance.
Detoxification can be done through the following options. It can be done by juice fasting, water fasting, minimal eating or fasting, caloric restriction and colon cleansing. Having detox diet is effective. Eat fruits and vegetables often.

 Drinking the regular 8 glasses of water a day that will   helps to flush out any harmful materials embedded in the many organs in the body. You can use detox pills and tonics to aid in your detoxification routine.
Fasting is another kind of detoxification process that can cleanse the internal organs of toxic waste. It gives the liver, kidneys and colon a chance to function well.

If you want to detox the body, you have to stop your unhealthy lifestyle. Stop eating and drinking harmful foods and beverages especially those that contain higher acidity. If you want to get well then you have to stop the regular taking of sugary foods. 

Taking meat of any kinds should be reduced to the level that will not cause the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. You have to control your caffeine and alcohol intake or totally avoid them. Put a stop on your smoking habit. Avoid or reduce dependence of processed foods because there are many chemicals in it. Minimize or control drinking carbonated beverages or alcohol harmful to the digestive organs.

When doing the detoxification process, select a routine most fitted to your condition. Detoxification should be done often as necessary because toxin penetrate the body every second of it unless you are very determine to make big difference in your health.

As you go on with your detoxification routine, make a logbook of every activities or steps you make to monitor your achievement, improvement or failure. This will serve as you references in the future as your guide to improve yourself more. If you failed, try again and be consistent. Your success will depend on you.

It is not too late to make an effort to put the body healthy again. Changing your lifestyle will help you a lot. If the body does not function well and you become ill, you can’t enjoy life at all.