Thursday, March 3, 2016


Depression is a very serious illness. The disorder already affected portion of general population. It often interferes with the normal functioning of the body and cause emotional pain and suffering of the mind. A man with serious depressive disorder destroyed his will to live. It gives him an unsound relationship with the people he loved especially his family.

It is called the whole-body illness affecting the body, mood and thoughts. There is problem in eating and sleeping. He treated his self differently. He has different perception about things he knew. The disorder is an indication of personal weakness and differences in his line of thought. He has no initiative to heal his body and mind. He is going down instead of going better. Keeping away from seeking medical treatment will put his symptoms to remain in weeks, months and in many years of inattention disregarding the opportunity for the healing, aside from interference in the ability to eat, sleep and enjoyment to his favorite sport.

Dysthymia is a long-term chronic symptoms not disabling but failed to function well in steaming fully. He has no desire in feeling good because he did not care.

Bipolar disorder has cycles of depression and elation mania. There was mood swing changing interest from time to time. It may be dramatic, rapid and gradual. It affected the way he think, his correct judgment and social interaction with other people that later on cause him serious embarrassment.

Depression has persistent anxiety, empty mood (silent, unfocused). He has sad face as if the burden is in his shoulder. He was very pessimistic in his belief. He treated a simple problem as hopeless case. He treated minor differences with guilt. He felt he was worthless and helpless.

He suddenly lost interest to the things he normally enjoyed. It doesn’t give him pleasure instead it bored him. His wakefulness affected his normal sleep pattern. His insomnia worsened. But if he is not awake, he oversleep.

There was problem in his appetite. He ate little or not at all. It cause him to lose weight. But if he likes to eat, he over-ate increasing his weight to pass the borderline level no longer in his normal weight anymore.

He easily got tired. He loses his energy that gives him fatigue and lost interest to work. He has suicidal tendencies thinking about death. He can’t stay long in one position. He was restless moving from position to another. He was irritable in minor differences. He easily explode his temper.

He was out-of-focus losing better concentration. He has memory loss unable to remember important events in his life. He has hard time making decision and rely on other people’s advice. He has chronic pain whatever the source. He often has headache and his digestive system is growling.

Most common cause of depressive episode are due to financial problem, difficult relationship, chronic illness that has no chance to recover, loss of someone he dearly love and changes in his life pattern he was not accustomed to do.

To determine the degree of depression, a thorough medical evaluation is needed including diagnostic tests.  It demands complete medical history, genetic history. The purpose is the degree of the illness when did it starts, how long it affected him, his treatment history and other questions to determine the deepness of the disorder and other factors that cause it.
To reduce the effect of depression, do the following:

-Don’t make difficult goal that you can’t handle.

-Don’t take bigger responsibility if you think you can’t carry the burden.

-Sept priorities to some of your function. Divide your task into smaller portion easy to manage.

-Don’t expect too much expectation of your ability for excellence. If you fail it hurts.

-Go with your friend, interact with them, to allocate time for socializing.

-If you are in the state of confusion, relax and join in physical action to be able to shift your mood to more useful one.

-Don’t easily get upset. Try to calm your nerve.

-Be positive in dealing with life.

Depression can be treated. Only complete medical examination is needed and better treatment is important by using effective drugs to be able to lessen or remove the impact of the effect of this kind of disorder.

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