Thursday, March 3, 2016


Can you afford living without taking alcoholic drinks? I don’t think so. It was a fact that alcohol is already part of our culture. History told us how liquor took part in their existence. So are we!

Now in the modern society, the same thing happened in our lives. If abused it control and slave us. This was the source of many conflicts in the family. An alcoholic ruined his future completely. By just thinking to stop gives him hell. It was the torture that if he can’t taste the liquid into his mouth, the thirst was too much to bear. Once it started drinking, stopping is the hardest.

Many drivers in the vehicles did not understand the phrase “Drinking liquor while driving is dangerous”. This was one of the problems we faced today, the ignorance of some people about safety precaution. If there is benefit in drinking a little - it outweigh the damaging effect to health.

The starting point of learning how to drink came from socializing with friends. As it goes on it becomes his obsession to drink. A group of drinkers will influence his sanity and destroy whatever left in his civility.

Some broken marriages started in few sip of drinks until the urge was established and hard to control. The security of the job was threatened. Better relationship with others was strained. A social drinker becomes an alcoholic, the life he started to destroy.

Here comes the damaging effect to one’s health:

If our cardiovascular system is healthy, the heart worked well. Any distortion will cause the heart to have a disease. Most often a diseased heart brought many complications, palpitation and even death. A small amount of alcohol taken even mildly will alter the normal heart function and affect other body organs.

 How much more if taken regularly or being abused? How many lives will be lost due to less concern to their health? How can they afford to trade it with their normal lives? Where their common sense go? 
The long term effect from alcoholism is frightening. Major terminal cancers (esophagus, larynx and throat) worsened when the body is in the influence of liquor.

Extreme alcoholic drinking was the cause of the cirrhosis of the liver. It damages the immune system responsible for the protection of many types of infection. It causes possible brain damage. It was the reason of many accidents in the streets, accident from the job and other situational accidents.

 There was carelessness in his movements, lacking mental alertness, unsteady posture because of grogginess and emotional explosion he can’t hold. It strained monetary capacity by spending his savings from his unproductive drinking habit. It causes trouble in the family, broken marriage and alienation of children’s feeling to their father and the reason of financial difficulties.

He neglected his function as breadwinner of the family. He doesn’t want to work and became lazy. His physical health is a mess. He can’t even do better physical hygiene to clean himself. The bad smell of liquor penetrated deep into his skin. His eyes were red and sleepy. He was the irresponsible man in the house neglecting himself and his family. He was a total wreck.

His emotional explosion causes him to harm anybody and got arrested due to inflicted physical injury he caused to a man.  It seemed he doesn’t care anymore about life and his responsibilities. The distortion of his thought process put him to be highly dangerous. His power of control he completely ignored.

If too drunk, it causes mental black-out, hang-over, vomiting, and memory lapses. If he can’t drink, he experienced nausea, bout of insomnia, heavy sweating, shakiness of his movement especially hands, tension muscles and waning strength to stop. 

His craving for satisfaction was so strong. Only by drinking he can possibly pacify his unquenchable thirst.

An alcoholic still has hope if he has strong will to make a change to be able to free himself from the claw of dependency. It was understandable that to completely stop is not an easy job to do unless the honesty in his heart and mind is pure to do the impossible.

The deterioration of the condition of his health is a proof how alcohol affected every fibers, organs and systems of the body that later on created an intentional health condition. There still hope for them. Total avoidance is difficult but responsible drinking can make a difference. Drinking is part of our culture. It can never be denied that we are a slave to it.

How about you?  If you really wanted to drink because of peer pressure, make it a point that it is not abused. If moderate drinking in allowed in our society then make it so. But remember, alcohol still a threat to health whether you take it little or more. If you insist then take it at your own risk.

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