Friday, March 4, 2016


Our body was full of toxic materials from the food we eat, from the polluted environment that surround us affecting land, water and air. We knew the many threats to our health but we can minimize the impact if we are willing to change our lifestyle, the main cause of our diseases.

One way of getting rid of toxins is through the process of detoxification. It has many benefits because through these, it can remove lead and mercury, the heavy metals we knew. It cleanses our liver, kidneys and other important body organs. The brain is protected from harm from the heavy metals that will affect mental development and performance.

 It replenishes the friendly bacteria with useful probiotic bacteria. It helps the immune system to act strong, recharging its function with its powerful anti-oxidant properties to be able to have strong defenses against foreign invaders. It changes our emotional state, cleanse and replenish the mind from many bothering circumstances that brought stresses in life. It is relaxing, recouping and re-training the mind. It reduces the impact of worries and many troubles that makes us weak and defenseless. It cleanses us spiritually, physically and emotionally.

The detoxification process is a specific action that leads to the rejuvenation of the body. It cleanses the colon from many impurities. It gives way to the prevention of disease. It boosts energy and keeps the immune system strong in defense of the many toxic materials we acquired every day. It gives good and healthier skin and restores its natural glow. Healthy skin is healthy life and sign of inner health. An unhealthy life because of toxins will cause the skin to dry, brittle, wrinkles, pale and age fast.

Detoxification helps the mind free to think of negative feelings as it minimizes the fears of many uncertainties in the future. It gives us stress, worries and anxieties that sometimes put us in difficult situation how to handle them. It clogged the system and makes the body not to function normally.

We get the toxins from the food we consumed. It enters in the pores of the skin, in the lungs from the air we breathe. Any chemical that enters the body is considered toxins. The air we breathe was polluted. We inhaled dangerous smokes in the environment from transportation vehicles emitting petroleum fumes. Many consumer products have chemicals in it that affected us. We failed to notice its long-term effects to the wellness of the body.

The un-detox body system brings diseases, aging, skin rashes, nausea and indigestion. It gives behavioral change that causes depression and emotional disturbance.
Detoxification can be done through the following options. It can be done by juice fasting, water fasting, minimal eating or fasting, caloric restriction and colon cleansing. Having detox diet is effective. Eat fruits and vegetables often.

 Drinking the regular 8 glasses of water a day that will   helps to flush out any harmful materials embedded in the many organs in the body. You can use detox pills and tonics to aid in your detoxification routine.
Fasting is another kind of detoxification process that can cleanse the internal organs of toxic waste. It gives the liver, kidneys and colon a chance to function well.

If you want to detox the body, you have to stop your unhealthy lifestyle. Stop eating and drinking harmful foods and beverages especially those that contain higher acidity. If you want to get well then you have to stop the regular taking of sugary foods. 

Taking meat of any kinds should be reduced to the level that will not cause the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. You have to control your caffeine and alcohol intake or totally avoid them. Put a stop on your smoking habit. Avoid or reduce dependence of processed foods because there are many chemicals in it. Minimize or control drinking carbonated beverages or alcohol harmful to the digestive organs.

When doing the detoxification process, select a routine most fitted to your condition. Detoxification should be done often as necessary because toxin penetrate the body every second of it unless you are very determine to make big difference in your health.

As you go on with your detoxification routine, make a logbook of every activities or steps you make to monitor your achievement, improvement or failure. This will serve as you references in the future as your guide to improve yourself more. If you failed, try again and be consistent. Your success will depend on you.

It is not too late to make an effort to put the body healthy again. Changing your lifestyle will help you a lot. If the body does not function well and you become ill, you can’t enjoy life at all.

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