Thursday, March 3, 2016


Every parts and parcels of our body has useful intent. They have the responsibility they were borne to do. Any distortion of their function will bring ill-health we have to suffer. The skin has important role for the protection of tissues, blood, arteries, veins, ligaments, capillaries, bones and internal organs. It supports the structure of the bones and different parts of the body with exception. It protects all the connections that carry the blood to its destination. There were different activities of the body inside the skin necessary to put everything in order.

It was considered as the largest organs. I composed of integumentary systems of many layers of mesodermal tissues. It acted as shield against damaging pathogen. It was the defense initiated by the body from any damages caused by internal and external environmental sources.

It has many layers of nerve endings that can easily determine the presence of heat, cold, pressure, vibration and injuries to the tissues. It regulated heat and has high level of blood supply for purpose of controlling loss of energy due to radiation, convection and conduction activities. It dilated the blood vessels against perfusion and loss of heat. It also constricted the blood vessels to reduce the cutaneous blood flow and maintain heat conservation. It controls loss of fluid due to burns and other skin injuries. It prevents evaporation to avoid skin dryness.

The skin has the ability to determine mood swing, physical condition and feeling attractive. The skin becomes the depot for the storage of lipid and water. It synthesized vitamin D through the action of ultraviolet rays to the specific spot in the skin.

The epidermis was used as the inlet for the absorption of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen in small quantity.

All nutrients that entered to the body is safeguarded by the skin that it is not wasted. The nutrients are to be fully utilized by the different organs for their regular and normal function. The body has colony of helpful micro-organism especially those that are found in the digestive system. The skin gives full support and protected the organisms to remain in the body and not wash out and wasted.

What is important is the epidermis to the general wellness of the body? Epidermis was found in the surface of the skin. It was the covering made up of cells served as the protecting body called keratinocytes, placed on top of each other to make different sub-layers for special purpose. Any dead cells were normally replaced regenerating itself into new cells. The cycle repeated many times when the live cells reached to the point of its normal death and then renew again.

The color of the skin was the result of the production of dark pigments called melanin. It was important for the protection of the skin against harmful ultraviolet rays. Melanin can be found at the bottom of the epidermis. It was the cells in the epidermis called melanocytes that was responsible for skin color.

The dermis were composed of thicker connective tissue that gives the skin more pliable and resistant. It regulates body temperature. It has vascular networks responsible to carry the nutrients to reach the epidermis. It has an organ that senses pain, temperature, blood vessels, nerve fibers, hair follicles and sweet glands.

Inside the skin, it contains many networks of tiny blood vessels. The blood was being circulated to supply the skin with nutrients and oxygen. The blood vessels were tasked to make passage of waste products away from the system.
The skin has hair follicles growing into the dermis of epidermal tissue responsible for the production of hairs. The visible and very tiny hairs covered the entire body. Only the hands, lips and sole of feet were free from set of hairs. It reacted to any changes in temperature during cold period. It stands upright in response to the changes. The arrectar pile muscles closes the skin pores to make it warm.

The sebaceous gland contains quantity of oil. The oil gland secretes sebum important in moisturizing the skin and hair. The oil was located all over the body concentrated heavily in scalp, nose, cheek, forehead and skin.

The sweat gland secreted sweats to cool the skin when it becomes hot. It thermo-regulate the temperature to normal level. The structure of the sweat glands composed of single tube, coiled body and superficial ducts, the important components in the sweat glands.

Langerhan cells removed and destroyed harmful materials (foreign) that are trying to control the epidermis. It ejected the threat out of the body. Other important parts are the meissner’s corpuscle which can detect touch and other movements.  The Pacinian corpuscles act as receptor for pressure and vibration. It has free nerve endings that senses pain, itchy and temperature changes.

It is important to protect your skin at all times because skin is the gateway to good and healthy body.

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