Thursday, March 3, 2016


There’s hollowness in our feeling as we felt dizzy while riding in a transportation vehicles, riding in the ferries wheel, looking down from tall building to the ground. Why we can’t able to hold our feeling to restrain from falling? Why we felt total black-out shadowing our vision, dark and full of fireflies?

It was found that dizziness was the result of unusual changes disrupting the normal feeling of stability. The firmness of our posture give in.  We felt the lightheadedness inside us. We have to hold on to something solid to prevent us from falling down.

Feeling dizzy is a signal indicating disturbance in the structure of our human body by altering the normal balance of movement. Every movements we did, every thought we make were immediately coordinated to the brain. The brain reacted to the nerve impulses from the ears, eyes, neck and limb muscles as well as the joints of arms and legs. Any small failure of the normal function or if the brain failed to coordinate the many nerve impulses it should receive but with alteration, dizziness occurred. There was imbalance and unsteadiness in our movement. We felt we are spinning in circle.

The vestibular system controlled our sense of balance. Any physical movement we make, rolling, jumping, running, turning, climbing, daily twisting and turning, the system is always in the rescue to prevent as from falling and disorganize in our every action. It controlled the obstruction, the harmony of our movement, preventing any mishaps allowing the flow of movement executed based on brain intention.

Dizziness can be felt if the sensory information was distorted. Feeling motion sickness is the result when the brain received conflicting sensory information to act based on body’s motion, position and coordination. The symptoms of dizziness started if there is lightheadedness, tightness of the chest, dizzying spell, nausea, sweating and vomiting.

Some of the known health conditions believed to be behind dizziness was recorded:

-bout of anxiety and stress
-emotional upset
-Ear disorder (tinnitus)
-double vision
-The presence of tumor or cyst
-benign positional vertigo
-acoustic neuroma (tumor)
-transient ischemic attack (TIA) in the brain stem or small stroke
-neurological disorders (Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson disease
-low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension)

When a person suffered stroke, there is lack of blood supply to the brain. There is numbness in some parts of the body. There is tingling and weakness in the limbs or one side of the face. There was temporary blindness. There was distortion in his speech or speech difficulty or slurred speech.

A simple dizziness has a cause. Physician can give the proper insight what lead to dizziness by conducting series of tests. The specific kind of disease will be known and proper treatment can be done.

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